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Multifocal Lenses

We can lessen the need for glasses following cataract surgery by implanting multifocal intraocular lenses which provide quality distance and near vision. Traditional intraocular lenses have one focal point. Multifocal lenses have a number of focal points.

What is the benefit of a multifocal lens implant?

A multifocal lens implant focuses light from distance and near simultaneously. This feature addresses both distant and near vision and makes the recipient less dependent on glasses.

Is a multifocal lens similar to the natural lens of the eye?

The natural lens of a young person changes shape in order to produce a change in focus. After the age of 40 our ability to perform near-vision focus declines, as the natural lens loses its flexibility and multifocal abilities.

As opposed to the natural lens, traditional multifocal lens implants do not change shape. A multifocal lens allows the eye to see at distance and near simultaneously by special optics which help it to produce more than one focal point.

Will I need glasses after surgery?

If you opt to receive monofocal lens implants in both eyes for distance vision, you will need glasses after surgery.

The FDA clinical trials showed that 80% of patients who had multifocal lens implants did not need glasses after surgery for distance or near vision. Not every patient in the trial was spectacle independent, but the dependence on corrective glasses for daily functions was greatly reduced.

Can I have a multifocal lens in just one eye?

Yes, but the full benefit of the multifocal lens technology is realized after implantation in both eyes.

Is a multifocal lens recommended for every patient?

In certain cases it should not be implanted.

What is the best lens for me?

We have experience implanting multifocal lenses since 1990. The best individual treatment option will be discussed following a comprehensive assessment by our surgeons.

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